Spider web cupcakes

There’s a little trick with this treat: a fun spider web pattern that may look hard to make but is really quite simple.
Spider web cupcakes

What You Need: 1 cupcake (baked and cooled), white frosting, black writing icing or gel, plastic spider or toy spider ring, toothpick.

Make That Cupcake!: Frost cupcake white. Squeeze a small (about 1/2″) blob of black icing on the top of the cupcake (or off-center, depending on how you’d like your web to look). Use writing tip with icing or gel tube to draw two circles, one inside of the other, around the center blob. Place toothpick in center icing blob and draw toothpick in one smooth motion from the center to the edge of the cupcake. Wiping off toothpick in between, continue around the cupcake, nine or 10 times equally spaced until you have a nice web shape. Place spider in center of cupcake. Make sure no one eats the spider!

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One Response to “Spider web cupcakes”

  1. | Best Mixer Review Says:

    […] you’re still confused with how to proceed you can find a tutorial on spiderweb cupcakes here; http://www.easycupcakes.com/spider-web-cupcakes/ I think any frosting color combo could work well.  You might think about trying orange, green, or […]