Red, white & blue cupcake
The famous “1M swirl” combined with virtually any red, white, and/or blue sprinkles, sugars, or other decorations are sure to be a big hit on Fourth or July or at any patriotic events. This cupcake features both red and blue sugar and is topped with a large Wilton sprinkle star.
What You Need: 1 cupcake; white or off-white frosting; red sugar; blue sugar; large red Wilton star sprinkle; 1M metal tip; pastry bag.
How to Make It: Place 1M metal tip inside pastry bag (if you’re using a disposable plastic bag, just cut to fit). Fill bag halfway full with icing. Squeeze steadily, from the outside of the cupcake inward, to cover the top of the cupcake with a swirl of icing. Then, either continue the motion while moving slightly inward or start a new swirl on top of the first one. Finish with a peak by stopping the squeeze. Sprinkle with colored sugars and top with star.
Fit 1M metal tip to disposable pastry bag (the 1M tip is larger than standard size; a disposable bag means you won’t have to cut so far into a cloth bag). Fill pastry bag halfway with white icing (we used canned icing, but homemade may make for more appealing, stiffer swirls). While squeezing out icing, move arm in a circular motion and cover the top of the cupcake with a swirl of icing. Then, starting a little bit in from the edge this time, make a second swirl on top of the first one. Immediately add candy stars (we used Wilton brand).