Archive for the ‘nature cupcakes’ Category
Monday, April 4th, 2011

Bird next cupcake
These bird nest cupcakes are made with crispy Chinese noodles and hold three sweet Robins Eggs (Whopper chocolates). They’re great for Easter or any springtime party, and easy for kids to make.
What You Need: cupcake; pink frosting; crunchy chow mein noodles (in the Asian foods aisle or bulk foods bins); Robin Egg chocolate or similar candy.
How to Make It: Frost cupcake. Arrange crispy noodles to form a nest. Place three eggs in varying colors and speckles inside the nest.
Posted in bird cupcakes, Easter cupcakes, nature cupcakes | No Comments »
Monday, January 10th, 2011

Tulip cupcakes
Fruit leather can be cute into cute shapes, as evidenced with these fun tulip cupcakes. They can double as a pretty flower centerpiece at spring parties.
What You Need: 1 cupcake; chocolate frosting; Stackers fruit snacks (by Betty Crocker, or cut with cookie cutters and/or scissors); scissors or knife; 2 green leaf gels; 3 toothpicks.
How to Make It: Using knife or scissors (supervise children), cut leaves in half and cute two notches on each fruit roll circle to form tulip shapes. Stick toothpick into or behind tulip. (You could also “sandwich” the toothpick between two pieces of fruit roll. Stick toothpicks into frosted cupcake. Add half a leaf to either side of two flowers.
Tags: cupcakes, flower cupcakes, spring cupcakes, tulip cupcakes, tulips
Posted in flower cupcakes, nature cupcakes, spring cupcakes | 1 Comment »
Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Worm cupcake
Sure, you can just use colorful gummy worms to make tasty and gross cupcakes. But there’s something about a realistic candy earthworm that adds that extra “ew” factor. It even has a segment. I used Gummy Earthworms Candy by Gummies of All Shapes, made by the Iowa-based Foreign Candy Company.
What You Need: 1 cupcake; chocolate frosting; crumbled sandwich cookies (such as Oreo); candy rocks; gummy worm.
How to Make It: Frost cupcake. Crush cookies (a plastic bag works great) and sprinkle on top of cupcake. Add rocks and worm. Yum!
Tags: cupcakes, earthworms, gummy worms, worm cupcakes
Posted in animal cupcakes, insect and spider cupcakes, nature cupcakes | No Comments »
Monday, November 23rd, 2009

Fall tree cupcake
A chocolate Twizzler makes a great tree! Whip up a forest of these autumn trees quickly for Thanksgiving or any fall festivities.
What You Need: 1 cupcake; yellow frosting; chocolate Twizzler licorice; candy-coated sunflower seeds; scissors.
How to Make It: Frost cupcake. Cut length of Twizzler to slightly shorter than width of the cupcake. Use scissors to cut about four “branches” one-half to two-thirds of the way through the Twizzler. (It’s hollow.) Spread branches apart and place on cupcake. Sprinkle and/or place sunflower seeds on tree and ground for leaves.
Tags: cupcakes, fall cupcakes, Thanksgiving cupcakes, tree cupcakes
Posted in fall cupcakes, nature cupcakes, Thanksgiving cupcakes | No Comments »
Sunday, November 22nd, 2009

Caramel acorn cupcake
These yummy acorn cupcakes are a variation of a design I saw in Woman’s World magazine. (You could also use a molded Tootsie Roll to form the nut.)
What You Need: 1 cupcake; white frosting; chocolate sprinkles; Hershey’s Kiss; 1 caramel; toothpick.
How to Make It: Frost cupcake and add chocolate sprinkles around edge. Using clean or gloved hands, mold caramel into the shape of an acorn cap. Press onto wide end of Kiss. Use toothpick to press crosshatch pattern into caramel.
Tags: acorn cupcakes, cupcakes, fall cupcakes, nut cupcakes
Posted in fall cupcakes, nature cupcakes, Thanksgiving cupcakes | No Comments »
Sunday, November 15th, 2009

Raking leaves cupcake
Celebrate fall with these easy cupcakes that pair an edible rake with falling leaves. They’re great for harvest festivals and other autumn events.
What You Need: 1 cupcake; yellow frosting; stick pretzel; chocolate Twizzler; leaf-shaped sprinkles (such as by Wilton); scissors or kitchen shears.
How to Make It: Frost cupcake. Break about one-quarter of the pretzel stick off and discard (or eat). Cut about a 1-inch length of Twizzler. Insert scissors into Twizzler (it’s hollow) and make about six cuts around, about two-thirds up. Poke broken end of pretzel into intact end of Twizzler and fan out ends to look like a broom. Place on cupcake. Add leaves to “ground” and “air.”
Tags: cupcakes, fall cupcakes, harvest cupcakes, leaf cupcakes, Thanksgiving cupcakes, Twizzlers
Posted in fall cupcakes, nature cupcakes, Thanksgiving cupcakes | No Comments »
Thursday, November 12th, 2009

Acorn cupcake
This acorn cupcake idea was first seen in the hit book
Hello, Cupcake!: Irresistibly Playful Creations Anyone Can Make
. I made some for my kid’s autumn-themed bake sale and they were a big hit. They’d be great for Thanksgiving, a nut (or Nutella!) cupcake recipe or any fall festivity.
What You Need: 1 cupcake; white or off-white frosting; chocolate frosting; 2 Hershey’s kisses; 2 mini Nilla Wafers; pastry bag and round tip (No. 2 or 3, or just use premade icing in a tube or bag).
How to Make It: Frost cupcake white. Use bit of chocolate frosting to attach mini vanilla wafer cookie to base of unwrapped Hershey’s Kiss. Use pastry bag or tube to add chocolate “stem” to wafer.
Tags: acorn cupcakes, cupcakes, fall cupcakes, nut cupcakes, Thankgiving cupcakes
Posted in fall cupcakes, nature cupcakes, Thanksgiving cupcakes | 1 Comment »